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The world of Mianite


'The world of Mianite is a minecraft created by Decanite, a minecraft server maker. The server is funded by Mulitcube.net and played by Tom syndicate and Jericho both eccentric minecraft players. As of now there are two episodes and four players , those of which are Tom Syndicate , JerichoAfk, Seananners and Hexicraft. As the storyline is that of vanilla minecraft, tom recently asked for a story of how the world began and the players came to the realm. As there are no other stories as how this began I will I put mine as a basis.

In the beginning the four players in the Mianite world were once warriors in a kingdom lost long ago. They were the best of the best, out to conquer and divide lands wild and untame. No one matched their expertise and skill, they were untouchables in combat. The God reigning over earth was the only supreme being in the universe and seeing the four warriors: Tom syndicate, Jericho, hex and Seananners unmatched and considered god among men and praised as false idols he became angry at the four. so God made Decanite, a second god and gave him the powers to make worlds and creatures and govern the world as Decanite saw fit. He then told Decanite to take the Four and place them in the world and make it into a game of sorts as to take the warriors power and fame away and make them survive with each other. Back on Earth the four belonged to tribes as the world was in the Age of iron era. Tom belonged to the Anglo-Saxons , the early British tribes. His name was uncommon to the tribe but recognized as on his banner of a roaring lion head facing to the left. He was feared by all and respected, his enemies would shiver when he began swinging his sword wildly and bellowing his war shout "COME ON THEN!" Tom was given the name syndicate by a elder of the tribe and thus dubbed as so.

Jericho was an Arabic warrior, skilled in the ways of desert combat. He wore red and green robes and carried a dagger. He was more of a mercenary, out to work for the highest payer. His banner showed him in his green and red robes with white robes underlining the red. He was friendly to all and was generous when felt to be. When a fight or battle came to him he became as viscous as a rabbit dog backed into a corner. He stuck with silence and quickness usually making himself out to be a ghost to any surviving foe. His war shout was "I AM A STEALER OF SOULS AND ROBBER OF LIFE FEAR MY BLADE AS YOU WOULD A GOD!" He traveled across eastern Europe in search of gold and solitude he lived alone and preferred himself to company.

Hex was a Roman gladiator, originally a skilled farmer in an old Greek city until Romans conquered it and made him a slave. His name as a child was Hex, common in those days. He learned his battle skills from an old Retiarii, or "Net Man". Hex was made into a Hoplomcahi, a parody of Rome's old enemy the "hoplites" from the Greek army. His dexterity and speed in battle came from his master Retiarii, who had to be quick with his net in order to catch his opponents and spear them. Hex became a well liked gladiator in any arena across Rome. Amphitheaters would become packed to see him fight other gladiators. He had no battle cry but used his audience as a way to frighten his opponents into disorder and fear.

Last but not least is Seananners, the oldest and most dangerous fighter in the cities along the Nile river. He belonged to the city of Babylon, one of the oldest cites known to man. His tactics in battle were the basis for fights in lands far and wide. He preferred a volcanic glass lined sword to any iron blade. He would taunt his enemies in battles. He would taunt his enmity into attacking him and dogging his rivals blow and serve ring their spine. While they crawled and screamed in agony he would dance around them and taunting them again. He was ruthless but yet comical and considered to a have a temper similar to that of a fairy tail troll.

One night while these men were sleeping God collected them and gave them to Decanite by hand. Decanite only allowed Tom and Jericho to be on the world. When Tom awoke on a hill facing an ocean with a forest behind him. He remembered going to sleep in a lodge in a snowy Forest, the lodge was place along a hunting trail. In confusion his typical barbarian like temper overcame him, and he began to storm around. While he traversed hills and valleys he caught sight of a breath taking mountain. He was amazed at the complexity and beauty and his anger resided never to be found until later. He surveyed the mountain and pondered whether or not to build a fort on it to protect himself. He noticed wood and tried to find a stick to use as a club for a weapon. Instead when he touched the tree it began to crack in the middle and the fracture lines slowly spread until a block of that tree fell onto the ground. He was perplexed at this as when he chopped trees back in his home land it took hours and required an axe. So he began to break the rest of the tree, and was confused why It didn't fall when he took more pieces from the trunk. He wandered along the base of this odd mountain observing the scenery and was unaware of the presence of Jericho. Jericho had awoken on the same beach but below Tom, in fear of notice of Tom, Jericho buried himself in the sand on the beach and began to follow Tom when he got back up. Jericho followed Tom until Jericho saw the mountain and departed from Tom to reach the top. Eventually Tom climbed the mountain and he and Jericho met, both were cautious of each other. To Tom the robes on Jericho were bright and confusing and to Jericho the furry coat on Tom and burlesque battle scars on his face were frightening. After a moment of silence Jericho spoke but to his surprise it wasn't Arabic, it was English, Tom recognized a few words himself as his tribe spoke the basic form of English. Hello started the broken and awkward talk between the tense warriors. Both felt as if they knew each other somehow and acted towards each other in friendly manners.

(NOTE; this only the beginning of the lore of Mianite I need your help to continue this story. For those who watched toms videos follow what actually happened In the video and fit it to this story in any way possible. Please be serious and discreet about this and when you get done reading this edit my story, delete this note and continue the epicness that is the lore of Mianite